Via Vittoria is located around the corner from the Spanish steps, one of the most elegant streets in the historic center of Rome . It is in this area where you will find some of the worlds most prestigious boutiques and businesses, which still carry on the tradition and style of Italain artisans.
Via Vittoria unites via del corso and via del babuino. Via Vittoria ’s origin was in the field of an operation to restructure the trident area. This phase concluded the “renovatio urbis” of the Roman Renaissance, which was begun by pope Leone X and completed by Paolo III.
The origin of the street name is uncertain. In the 7th century the street was called “Delle Orsoline” after the monastery founded together with Saint Giuseppe, Saint Orsola, and Camilla Borghese Orsini. During the French revolution the name was changed to Via Vittoria. It is believed that the street was named after the aunts of Luigi XVI, Vittoria and Adelaide who lived on the street.
The most important monument is at civic number 6 which is the entrance to the X convent .
In 1839 with the dissolution of the religious order the X convent was donated to the Academy of Saint Cecilia, which was an institution founded in 1585 by Sisto V. The complex was readapted, the church (sconsacrata) became the Hall for concerts and it was also used as an acting school by the Academy of Dramatic Arts , “Eleonara Duse”.
The Academy with its long history, gave way to The Musical High School in 1923 becoming a state Academy of Music . Academy and Conservatory were established under one roof. The library, which is known to worldwide music lovers, stores the manuscripts of Giovanni Pier Luigi da Palestrina, of Bellini and of Rossini. The Academic Hall on whose stage have preformed the greatest musicians of the 10th century, holds a spectacular organ and is know for its perfect acoustics.
Another historic note is that at civic number 60 of Via Vittoria Giuseppe Garibaldi stayed and received a visit from King Umberto I.